Which side of the meter, as a customer, am I responsible for?
The City of Lufkin will maintain anything from the meter to the street, but anything from the meter to the house will be Private and will be maintained by the customer.
What if you do not have a private cut off valve and you need your water cut off at the meter?
The City of Lufkin will send someone out to cut your water off at the meter the first time only, and you will need to call a plumber to install a private cut off valve if you do not have one.
Can the City of Lufkin recommend a good plumber?
Actually, we are not allowed to recommend any specific plumber.
What if I have a high water bill or my bill needs to be adjusted?
You will need to contact the Water Collections Department at 633-0230.
How long does it take to get a water or sewer tap?
We try to complete all tasks within 30 days, with weather permitting.
Can the City of Lufkin come out and locate the service lines?
We locate our water and wastewater services, but cannot locate private services.
If the City cut off valve will not cut off, what should I do?
Call the Water Utilities Department at 633-0230 and the City of Lufkin will repair the bad cut off valve, but actually you are not to tamper with anything on the City side of the meter and you should have a private cut off valve.
Who can fix water leaks?
If it is on the City side of the meter (from the meter to the street) the City of Lufkin will fix any problems. If the problem lies on the private side of the meter (from the meter to the house) you will be responsible for the repairs, you may do it yourself or hire a plumber to fix it.
What causes water to have a distinct odor?
Water can have an odor for many different reasons: It could have a high concentration of Sodium Hydroxide, it could have no chlorine residuals, or it could result from little or no circulation of water in dead end water lines.